About Cravin Design

My name is Craig. Born and raised in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland,  I got my first designer gig with a local newspaper chain. Our art department would produce 15 newspapers weekly. I was a big fan of the daily deadline rush and the team lifestyle. It was always an intense and exciting environment with editors watching over your shoulder, critiquing. I couldn’t ask for a better introduction to the industry, I was hooked.


Twenty-two years later and boy, have things changed. The world seems a whole lot smaller.  Our mobile phones provide most of our information intake. It’s fascinating to think of how easy it is to work remotely with a designer now and how the right team could successfully target your direct audience by utilizing the right channels. Anywhere. The sky is the limit.


So today, I find myself operating from my home office, it’s quieter, the coffee is perfect and distractions are minimal. I do get the random walk-in when one of our pets decides to check in on dad.


That’s enough about me.., your turn. What brought you here? How can we help?

Together, we will create, build and deliver your ideas to your intended audience!

19 Monchy Road, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL Canada A2A 2A9